Martys Out Of This World Snacks
Over 15% of families live with an allergy in the UK. How does a new allergy-free kids snack win the trust of these cautious shoppers?
90% of children with allergies feel excluded from events like birthday parties because of no suitable food options.
There’s a close knit community of allergy impacted parents and organisations championing change. How might we tap into their expertise to educate others about food allergies and how to simply and safely include all kids in ALL activities.
Meet Marty the martian! In today’s world, more and more children are being diagnosed with allergies and excluded from everyday activities.
But, Marty’s is the new allergy friendly kids brand on a mission to change things. Teaming up with medical charity Allergy UK and expert allergy parenting author Emma Amoscato, Marty’s invites you to join him on an out of this world, delicious adventure. From birthday parties, to a primary school education roadshow, tips and advice, we’ll show you all the tricks to ensure kids are included.

Join Marty the martian on an out-of-this-world delicious adventure where no child misses out