Baileys Treat Life X Eurovision
Baileys has been long associated with Christmas, especially amongst its heartland. As a new generation enters the market, how does the brand ensure it stays relevant year round?
Treating has undergone a fetishisation; one that is full of, joy, playfulness and a more is more attitude.
Baileys is playful and OTT - the ultimate co- conspirator in the pursuit of pleasure - much like the rise of drag culture. With gloriously camp fiesta of Eurovision on the horizon, how might we celebrate this?
United by music and drizzled with deliciousness. Iconic treating brand Baileys has partnered with Eurovision to make it the most extravagant one yet, adding a little indulgence to the world’s most joyful, global celebration of inclusivity and diversity.
Showcasing Baileys choctails, available at bars up and down the UK and at the arena in Liverpool wherever the nation is celebrating they can do so with a Baileys Choctail in hand.
Serving up thousands of Baileys Choctails from the Baileys Eurovision Treat Bar