Cawston Press No Jiggery Pokery
Fizzy drinks have had a bad reputation. From sugar tax to obesity, everyone’s reformulating. But, Cawston Press aren’t like the others, they’ve been doing it the right way for years.
A number of exposes have created distrust in the world of food and drink, with businesses pursuing financial gain over health & transparency.
The modern world is fast paced and complicated. What if we could go back to simpler times and bring reassurance to consumers through the comfort of nostalgia?
Introducing ‘No Jiggery Pokery’. Whether it’s added sugars, fake sweeteners or using concentrates, there’s a lot of jiggery pokery going on out there in soft drinks. Cawston Press have always known there’s a better way to do things.
So, we captured the attention of the nationals with YouGov data that showed that over half of Brits are concerned about the amount of sugar and sweeteners in their fizzy drinks. ATL ‘No Jiggery Pokery’ ads went live across the UK, and the brand got over 50,000 delicious cans in people’s hands, while on social media, we educated about the brand's mission using the power of household names.

63% of consumers want drinks with more natural ingredients.